this was a very interesting week for me, full of highs and lows. in the end though, everything culminated into a lovely Saturday spent at Spring Fair featuring lots of shopping, walking, and calorie consumption. fair food and Coldstone. bawse. Saturday was so full that i crashed as soon as i hit the door, so this week in photos is a day late.
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photo a day: sunset. this is the sunset as seen from my boyfriend's apartment. his view though is way nicer than his actual neighborhood.


Monday was a really rough day. nuff said.


i follow a couple of interior design blogs (to help balance the thirty or so natural hair and food blogs) and i come across some pictures that really speak to me. i love a home that integrates outdoor and indoor living and i soooo want to be able to incorporate that into my dream home, some day.


photo a day: speaking of natural hair, here is a close-up of mine. kinky and curly at the same damn time!


and another one... this house features lovely wooden floors and an indoor atrium. swoon.


photo a day: something i drew. i cheated a bit, but i'm a chemist, not a sketch artist. so here, molecules and mechanisms. i live to push arrows.


a great way to cap off the week. it was HOT on Saturday, so to cool off, my boyfriend treated me to a brownie sundae. he knows my heart. also, peep the Starbucks in the back... yup.
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